Podcast Episodes

Episode 75: Keelia Clarkson [Entrepreneurship and Pursuing a Vision – Part Three]

Today we are bringing you part three of our Entrepreneurship and Pursuing a Vision mini-series! During the month of October, we’re focusing on conversations with artists and entrepreneurs who are at different stages of bringing a God-given dream to life.

I am so excited to introduce you to our guest for episode 75, Keelia Clarkson! Keelia is an actress, writer, and filmmaker. She is the editor in chief of Wallflower Journal, an online women’s magazine, and is the host of the brand new Dear Wallflower podcast. Her husband, Nathan Clarkson, was a guest on the podcast back on episode 20.

Keelia shares about her experiences growing up that led her into acting and writing. I love Keelia’s encouragement that it is okay to do some things you aren’t good at and it is okay to fail. In fact, in order to grow, you have to try new things, fail, and continue to learn. She also shares about what it looks like to build community in creative work and the importance of being authentic in your art.

You can listen to the show HERE, and you can be sure not to miss a Creative Impact conversation by subscribing through your favorite podcast app (ie. iTunesSpotifyStitcher).  We are so grateful to have you as a part of the Creative Impact community and would love it if you would share the show with your friends!

About Keelia:

Keelia is an actress, writer, and filmmaker. She is the editor in chief of Wallflower Journal, an online women’s magazine, the host of the brand new Dear Wallflower podcast, and can be spotted in popular TV shows and indie films. Originally from Los Angeles, she now lives in New York City with her husband, Nathan.

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Connect with Keelia, Wallflower Journal, & Dear Wallflower:

Keelia Clarkson On Instagram

Wallflower Journal On Instagram
