Podcast Episodes

Episode 38: Kalette Alspaugh

My guest for episode 38 is the lovely Kalette Alspaugh! Kalette is the owner of Beautiful Feet Studio of Dance & The Arts which offers a variety of performing and visual arts classes all in a faith based environment. She is also the founder of the non-profit Hand Picked, Inc. which serves in “bringing good” through the arts to the financially disadvantaged, orphaned, and physically restricted including hospitalized seniors and child survivors rescued from human trafficking both locally and around the world.

Kalette’s passion for leadership, teaching, and the arts began at a young age. During high school, God planted the dream in her heart for what is now Beautiful Feet Studio of Dance & The Arts. With that vision in mind, she went on to study Business Administration at Baylor University. Kalette shares how she gained valuable leadership experience through her work in management with Walmart and Chick-fil-A, where she discovered key principles for leadership development. 

We chat about God’s faithfulness in the journey bringing the vision of Beautiful Feet to pass. Kalette shares how the studio has continued to grow and how God is working in this current season — even in the midst of the pandemic. I love Kalette’s heart for stewarding the gifts we’ve been given by God as we keep our eyes fixed on Him. Through both the studio and non-profit, God’s power is at work bringing life change through the arts. 

You can listen to the show HERE, and you can be sure not to miss a Creative Impact conversation by subscribing through your favorite podcast app (ie. iTunesSpotifyStitcher).  We are so grateful to have you as a part of the Creative Impact community and would love it if you would share the show with your friends!

About Kalette:

Kalette Alspaugh is the owner of Beautiful Feet Studio of Dance & The Arts which offers a plethora of performing and visual arts classes all in a faith based environment. She is also the founder of the non-profit Hand Picked, Inc. which serves in “bringing good” through the arts to the financially disadvantaged, orphaned, and physically restricted including hospitalized seniors and child survivors rescued from human trafficking both locally and around the world.

Kalette graduated from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. She has a variety of leadership and management experience.

Links from the Show:

Connect with Kalette:

You can learn more about Beautiful Feet Studio of Dance & The Arts and sign up for classes, workshops, and camps at: 


You can learn more about the non-profit Hand Picked, Inc. and make a donation to help support their arts outreach efforts in the community at:


Check out more Resources:

Check out my recommended book list and some of my favorite resources for artists and business owners!